Youth Concept Mapping

09 Oct Youth Concept Mapping

The Wimmera Regional Sports Assembly are looking for participants to complete a two part concept mapping exercise with La Trobe University as part of the evaluation of the current Regional Sport Program.


What concept mapping participants will need to do:

    • Participants will be contacted by the Centre for Sport and Social Impact (CSSI) in early October, to undertake a brainstorming activity for the following statement:

The features of a sport program I would really like to participate in are…

They will have one week to record their response(s). The activity is expected to take 5-10 minutes.

    • Participants will be contacted by CSSI in mid-late October, to group the cleaned list of statement and rate these. Again they will have one week to record their responses. The activity is expected to take 30-45 minutes.
    • Upon completion of both activities, CSSI will send participants a $30 Ultimate Teens Gift Card as a thank you for their time (less than an hour commitment). CSSI will contact participants to get their postal address and will send (registered post) directly to each young person.


The criteria for selection is:

    • They must be aged 14-17 during September-November 2019
    • They must agree to take part and commit to both concept mapping activities scheduled to take place in October (around an hour of their time in total)
    • They must answer 0-4 days for to the following question:

In the past week, on how many days have you done a total of 60 minutes or more of physical activity, which was enough to raise your breathing rate?

This may include sport, exercise and brisk walking or cycling for recreation or to get to and from places.


Please find below a copy of the Participant Information Statement. If you meet the eligibility criteria and are willing to participate in the concept mapping exercise please send your name, email and mobile number to by 4pm Thursday October 10.

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